Soft Opening Ceremony

Written by admin. Posted in 2006

In conjunction with the opening of KPKSB’s new office, a Soft Opening Ceremony was held on 24 August 2006 Along with 30 Rejab 1426H located at the KPKSB’s New Headquarters in Jalan Dato ‘Lundang Kota Bharu. It was inaugurated by KPKSB Chairman, Yang Berbahagia Datuk Hj. Rameli B. Musa, also present was the Board Member of the KPKSB. After the event they visited around the building and inside the KPKSB. Then they held the agenda by holding the KPKSB Board Meeting.

KPKSB Family Day

Written by admin. Posted in 2006

The KPK Family Day Council was held on 7th April 2006 at Perdana Resort Kota Bharu organized by the KPK Sports & Welfare Club. The event starts at 2.30 pm with the registration of staff and family members while the evening is held a banquet.

At the dinner, the chairman of the Sports & Welfare Club presented the welcome to all staff and family members then officiated by KPKSB’s Managing Director, Tuan Haji Mohd Fadzli Ab. Samat. To enliven the event on the night was a Dikir Barat show, a fashion show by the children and was littered with lucky draws for the staff. For the highlight of the evening was the presentation of long service awards to staff serving over 20 years. This contribution is to commemorate the services and services of the employees to the company.

The next morning, telematch for staff and family members is held on the premises of Perdana Resort. Various telematches are held for children up to adults.The event was held with joy and excitement as well as gift giving on the participation and cooperation they provided.

The telematch ended at noon and the family day was closed by a speech from the Managing Director. After lunch, all staff and family members pack to return to their destination. Hopefully this Family Day will foster friendship and friendship among KPKSB staff and families while resting and recreating.

Meeting with KSEDC Chief Executive

Written by admin. Posted in 2006

The ceremony was a meeting between the new Chief Executive of KSEDC, Tuan Haji Wan Yahya bin Wan Salleh and KPKSB’s Managing Director, Tuan Haji Mohd Fadzli bin Ab. Samat with the KPKSB staff who took place on 6th February 2006 at KPKSB ‘s 7th floor office of KSEDC Kota Bharu. At this event, the Managing Director described the progress and progress of the KPKSB and then the Chief Executive delivered his wishes and wishes so that the KPKSB could continue to profit and do the work better.

Iftar Ceremony

Written by admin. Posted in 2006

The KPKSB held a iftar ceremony during the Ramadhan 1426H year 2006 for its staff at the KPKSB Kota Bharu headquarters. Then all the staff performed the ‘solat terawih’ organized by KPKSB’s Managing Director, Tuan Hj Mohd Fadzli Ab. Samat. The purpose is to enable staff to iftar together and be friendly to each other.

Iftar is one of the religious observances of Ramadan and is often done as a community, with people gathering to break their fast together. Iftar is taken right after Maghrib time, which is around sunset. Traditionally but not mandatory, three dates are eaten to break the fast in emulation of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad, who broke his fast in this manner. Many Muslims believe that feeding someone iftar as a form of charity is very rewarding and that such was practised by the Prophet Muhammad.